Friday, August 7, 2020

It's Been a While

Man, has it been forever since I've posted.  It has been the longest time and the longest year and a half.  

Sadly, tragedy visited our family a few days after my last blog.   My husband of almost 15 years died suddenly on February 15th, 2019.   

It's funny to hear people who are just fed up with the challenges that 2020 has brought.  

My challenges started at the beginning of 2019.  Not just my challenges, though.  My daughters' as well.  

My oldest had acute kidney failure in May of 2019.  She's recovered, thankfully.  

My youngest daughter has been dealing with mental illness all along, but unfortunately, her illness is spiraling out of control.  Her therapist and psychiatrist have recommended that she be removed from the home.  That feels like a failure.  I can't parent my child at a time when she needs me the most. 

Then in September 2019, my dad had a stroke.  He died in November of 2019.  

Needless to say, I've been an experiment in "How much can a person deal with?"  

Apparently, more.  2020 came along and brought isolation, increased bills, and the death of my mother in law in April.  

It's a daily struggle to show up for anything.    

So, how am I able to cope with everything?  I'm not.  It's hard and I need help.  My therapist left the practice and I've not had another appointment.  I hired/asked a friend to help me clean my house.  She got it done and I've been able to maintain every space except my youngest daughter's room and my bedroom.   I could live in my bedroom.

I still rely on Jehovah's Holy Spirit to keep me going.   That's all I've got.  Maybe I'll write more.  Who blogs once a year?  Lol

Take care til next time.  

Nettie Jay

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