I was writing a rant. I'd had a bad day at school. I was tired. I was frustrated. I, I, I.
I was on empty. A combination of people and circumstances, somewhere during the week had taken all of me and I had nothing left.
I know, you're going to say...
"I allowed it."
"I should have said no."
Teaching isn't like that. Flexibility is key. I try to stay flexible and professional. I want to give up, but then, after some reflection, I try to reference my bible. I'm working on using reflection time in the moment. For now, after the kids have left and I have time to be alone, that's when I reflect.
My favorite is Isaiah 40:28-31.
It reads, "28 Do you not know? Have you not heard? Jehovah, the Creator of the ends of the earth, is a God for all eternity. He never tires out or grows weary. His understanding is unsearchable. 29 He gives power to the tired one and full might to those lacking strength. 30 Boys will tire out and grow weary, And young men will stumble and fall, 31 But those hoping in Jehovah will regain power. They will soar on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary; They will walk and not tire out."
The reference for the word strength in verse 29 is dynamic energy.
Yes!! I need dynamic energy. Dynamic to get me moving. Energy to keep me going.
That's what Jehovah will do for me and he'll do it for you, too.
Sometimes our work life, or our home life, or our commute in between can push our buttons and bring out the worst in us. They take us back to negative thoughts, negative words, and negative actions.
One of the things that works to bring back my dynamic energy is to take a moment and just read, to take a brisk walk, or if possible to go for a drive. Yes, that means reading the bible and also other books that are a balm. Any seed catalog will do that for me. Reading with my daughters and especially studying the bible with them is calming to me. It makes me feel like I'm doing what Jehovah wants me to do. Knowing that I'm making him happy calms me.
Walking calms me as does going for a drive - if i'm not sleepy. Don't drive if you're sleepy.
All of this says that I will be drained sometimes, but there's a way to be refilled. It reminds me of the book, Have-You-Filled-Bucket-Today. Teachers Pay Teachers Bucket Filler Coloring Book
I've included links here just in case you're interested in them. Teachers have encouraged their students and other faculty members to be bucket fillers. Instead of being a person who, by their behavior, drains others, be a person who pours positive, dynamic energy into others.
As a teacher, wife, and mom, I often pour into others. People see your strength and turn to you to be uplifted. They forget, and I do too, that I need to be refilled and uplifted.
So if you get your solace from woodworking, gardening, or meditating on scriptures then get it. Don't feel guilty about scheduling your time around whatever gives you peace.
I pray that reading this left you uplifted, positive, and gaining dynamic energy to get any task done.
Just Grow Something,
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