So I've been mapping my goals. All of them. The small ones and the MONUMENTAL ones too. I've been working on feeling... no not just feeling, but actually being effective. That means achieving the goals that I've set for myself and my family. I can't do a little bit of everything in a mediocre way. I want to do what I've planned to do and do it very well.
I've watched the documentary, The Secret. This was eye opening for me. I've always been laid back and quiet. I've been passive and passive aggressive. I was being this way about my goals. Laid back and quiet about how I wanted things to be in my life. Passive about my goals and passive aggressive when I was unable to speak up. The Secret taught me the three steps that I can take to achieve my goals.
- The first step is to ask. Ask for what you want. Getting my Master's Degree isn't going to fall out of the sky. I needed to let the universe know that it is what I really want. My student loans won't just disappear. I needed to ask the loan company to forgive it. So I asked. I put it out there. And guess what happened? That's right, I'm in the application process for a Master's Degree. Yay! I've wanted to do this for six years. I could have been done and using my knowledge in the workplace if I had asked and let the universe know that a Master's Degree was what I wanted. As for my student loan, I've been dutifully paying it on time for thirteen years. I asked for it to be forgiven. I was pleasantly surprised by the loan company when they sent me an application for loan forgiveness. That process is currently underway. All I needed to do was to ask and to be specific about what I was asking.
- The second step is to believe. Have unwavering faith and believe that what you want is already yours. I've been hearing for years that I can't always get what I want. True. I can't... but I can. I can. I can get whatever I want. No... not with the five finger discount. I have to believe that I can achieve my goals. My goals aren't material. So I'm not talking about sharing pictures of money on Facebook. I don't want that. I want a way to raise food for my family. I want to have a self reliant food source. I believe that this can and will happen. It started with finding local farms and picking the fruit myself. My daughter and I had fun picking it and we froze and shared some of the fruit Years later I set out to learn how to water bath can and make jam. I made jam for the first time in my husband's crab pot. I still use a crab pot to water bath can. Now we're growing our own fruit trees. Mulberries, figs, and mangoes are among the fruits that we've begun to grow. Someday soon we will have a small farm and we'll not need to visit the grocery store for every food item. Our small farm is called Five Islands Village Farm. Why doesn't this blog have that name? This blog came about before we purchased the land and named the farm. Maybe we'll rename the blog. Maybe we'll rename the farm. No matter what we do, we will have the farm. I'll be sharing additional blog posts about it.
- The third and last step is to receive. You'll feel it. Something right will happen and you need to be ready. Get your mind ready for the change. Get ready. When you feel the intuitive nudge to get what you want, ACT! Hesitation and wavering have no place here. Receive what you want. Sometimes delays and obstacles get into the way. They are hurdles that you CAN jump. You can go around them. The path may be longer but be ready to receive what you've asked of the universe. Think about it... Why would you go into a restaurant and ask for something to eat but you haven't worked for the money to pay for the food? Get ready. Do the work that's needed so that you can be ready to receive what you've asked for.
Have you ever made a vision board? I have. If it seems corny or too much to do to get a trifold science project board, don't worry your beautiful head. Use Pinterest. Use whatever you have that helps you to visualize what you want. I use Pinterest, my graph notebook, and my therapy journal.
I want to add that whatever you receive, be grateful for it. Be grateful that you were able to see the fruit of your labor. Be grateful for the people you've met and who've helped you along the way. Embrace them and everything that you want. A quote from the movie that has stuck with me is "Energy flows where the attention goes". Focus your attention on your goals and your energy will lead you to fulfillment.
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